Technologies for Handling
the CO2 for Power Plants
June 2008
2.1.2 Controlled Freeze Zone (CFZ)
2.4 Cost and CCS projects in west Canada
3 Underground
Coal Gasification (UCG)
7 Nature’s
Carbon Handling Mechanism
Actual requirement
leads to reduce de human-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emission into the
atmosphere. This need, supported by the big business behind, allows developing
several techniques to reduce the industrial CO2 emissions.
New laws around
the world supporting this requirement lead the birth of a very big market to
address the CO2 emission
reduction; As a result, there are several companies, government and
universities developing solutions and improvements of the actual technology
fighting for leading the solution and business. Carbon
Capture and Storage (CCS) appears as one of the most important technology wide
world supported; however, others technologies, which resemble less expensive
and risky, are also being developed.
Emission in Canada and Alberta
by 2005:
9 GtCO2e were emitted for Global
Coal consumption.
Canada emitted 0.747 GtCO2e = 747 MtCO2e
Alberta emitted 0.233 GtCO2e = 233 MtCO2e
Electricity Generation emitted 0.053 GtCO2e = 53.3 MtCO2e
GHG emission definition
involves several gases with different weights in the equation[1].
In Alberta, the 77% of GHG
emission is due to CO2.
In the electricity industry of Alberta, the 95.5%
of GHG emission is due to CO2.
Budget 2008:
$240 million to develop Carbon Capture and Storage
(CCS) projects for SK projects. SaskPower will refit Boundary Dam Coal power plant with an inversion of $1 billion. It
is expected to cut 1 MtCO2 per year, the 7% of SK emission.
$5 million for Nova Scotia for research examining
the potential for carbon storage in the province.
million to the Institute for Sustainable
Energy, Environment and Economy at the University of Calgary, Alberta, to work
with a broad range of stakeholders on CCS outstanding issues.
cost allowance (CCA) rate for CO2 pipelines will
be increased to 8 per cent from 4 per cent, and the CCA rate for
pumping and compression equipment on CO2 pipelines will be set at
15 per cent.
Carbon dioxide
capture and storage is a process for reducing GHG emissions into the atmosphere
by first extracting CO2 from gas streams typically emitted during electricity
production, fuel processing and other industrial process. Once captured and
compressed, the CO2 is transported by pipeline or tanker to a storage site,
often to be injected into an underground storage site, where it will be safely
stored for the long-term. The technology for CCS is most efficient for a few
large, concentrated and high pressure sources of CO2 such as Electricity Power
Plant and oil sand facilities. These
three technologies (capture, transport and storage) could be summarised as:
There are several technical
variations depending on the technology of the facilities:
Pre-combustion: pre-combustion is a process where the fuel source is
gasified to create syngas. The CO2 can
be easily captured prior to combusting the gas mixture (syngas) with high
efficiency (around 90%). Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is a
pre-combustion typical technology.
Post-combustion: typical air-fired combustion unit after the burning
process has taken place. Most of Coal Power Plants in Alberta use this
technology (Pulverized Coal technology or PC). Also, it is the more worldwide
technology used for Coal Plant Units.
Oxyfuel combustion: oxy-fuel is an emerging approach to post-combustion
capture, whereby the combustion process takes place in an oxygen enriched
setting which results in low-emissions fossil fuel combustion.
Main issues for CC:
PC Power Plants are not prepared efficiently for CC
compared with IGCC technology. However, the technology for CC PC is improving quickly.
The Cost of Electricity (COE) for PC technology is
lower than IGCC technology without considering CC. When CC is required, IGCC
technology has better COE than PC technology.
Oxy-Fuel technology has similar performance and cost to
IGCC technology.
Oxy-Fuel and IGCC technologies need more
technological development while PC technology is very well known.
It is not necessary new regulation for capture in CCS.
Overall CC cost for all technologies is estimated in
around 3.5 $/tCO2, and is expected to decrease to around 0.5 $/tCO2 by 2020 due
to the technological improvement and cost reduction.
Many technologies are being developed
and proven. These technologies address reducing the cost of CC, increasing the
efficiency of the process and developing the technology for a widespread use
(e.g.: Power Plants, Oil Sands). The more important developments are:
Alstom and BP are
developing this technology for CC PC Power Plants. It
uses chilled ammonia to cool flue gas which increases the volume and rate at
which CO2 can be isolated in a highly concentrated form. Chilling Ammonia
technology helps to reduce the cost in CC and does
more competitive PC technology in relationship with IGCC technology. The
process is very well known in petrochemical plants, but it needs to be improved
for CC requirements in Power Plants.
Alstom has six
pilot plants around the world, and it will start with commercial installation
around 2011. On April 3, 2008, TransAlta signed an agreement with Alstom to
develop CC project based on Chilled ammonia technology in Wabamun area,
Alberta. The Coal-fired project requires spending 12 million for next five
ExxonMobil are
developing this technology. The company plans to build
a commercial demonstration plant in Wyoming. CFZ is a single-step cryogenic
separation process that freezes out and then melts the CO2 and
removes other components including hydrogen sulfide, which is found in
so-called sour gas. The CFZ process is designed to discharge the CO2
and other components as a high-pressure liquid stream. Besides reducing the
cost of separation and manipulation, the CFZ process can eliminate the use of
solvents, sulfur plants and CO2 venting in processing of the natural
With the CO2 captured by CC, the
transport to storage sites should be considered. The main issues for CO2
transport are:
The transportation technology is known for both
onshore and offshore pipeline.
CO2 pipelines have been safely operated in North
America since the middle 1970’s; the biggest operative CO2 pipeline network is
located in West Texas with an extension of 3700 km.
The transport of CO2 is a dangerous process because
the CO2 needs to be transported at high pressure (from 70 to 200 atm) and with
high purity.
There is general regulation for liquid pipeline
transportation, but it is necessary to develop a more specific framework for
CO2 transportation in AB.
The cost is estimated from 5 to 15 $/tCO2, for common
extension in West Canada.
Storage is
not a completely known technology. It consists of depositions of CO2, in
supercritical state, trapped in a geological formation (Deep Saline Aquifers)
or in association with other industries as Coal Beds, EOR[2] and EGR;
however these three last technologies do not offer a huge potential storage.
There are some studies driven to store the CO2 in deep ocean, but it was proven
that the ocean salinity increase and become other environmental problem. The
main concerns are:
the capacity to store CO2. Different studies reveal there
is enough capacity and western Canadian Sedimentary Basin is one of the best locations
in the world to implement CCS.
the knowledge of storage mechanism. Several
researches allow understanding these mechanisms but they still remain unknown
for huge storage facilities.
the establishment of a process to certify well injection
the continuous monitor of CO2 underground injected.
the leak probability that CO2 has from injection
the complete knowledge of risks. It is suspected they
are small, but it is necessary several big storage projects to have the
complete control of the risk.
the leakage detection. There is not security about
leak detection of CO2.
At present, there is no
institutional framework to govern geological sequestration of CO2 at large
scale for a very long period of time.
The lack of a framework makes it
more difficult and costly to initiate large-scale projects and will result in
delaying large-scale deployment.
All the provinces affected by high CO2 emissions from Power
Plants and other facilities are developing CCS projects for research.
CCS cost has a range from 25 to 110 $/tCO2.
There are 131 different projects around the world, seven of
them as integrated CCS; In Canada there are more than 12 projects reported.
Different governments constantly announce new projects. The main projects in west
Canada are:
Weyburn CO2 Storage project, SK, operate like an EOR facility (the
biggest in the world) driving 1.1 MtCO2e per year.
Boundary Dam Coal Power Plant project, SK, a
complete CCS project. It is expected to storage 1 MtCO2 per year.
The Heartland Area Redwater Project, SK, a complete
CCS project. The first phase, consist in the evaluation in detail the size and
suitability of the site for CO2 capture and storage, will be completed in
spring 2009.
CO2 Geological Storage Demonstration
Project (Acid
Gas Re-injection) in Western Canada
Pool |
Start Date |
Sulphur disposed of [t/d] |
CO2 disposed [t/d] |
Well depth [m] |
Acheson Blairmore T |
June 1989 |
1 |
9.8 |
1230 |
Zama Keg River |
May 1995 |
32 |
179 |
1490 |
Gordond K Halfway |
April 1996 |
15 |
11 |
1550 |
Paddle River Nordegg |
May 1996 |
1.9 |
49 |
1540 |
Puskwaska Leduc |
Nov 1996 |
2.6 |
1.9 |
2680 |
Dunvegan Kiskatinaw |
Dec 1996 |
4.1 |
3.7 |
1270 |
Jedney Baldonell |
Dec 1996 |
77 |
106 |
1400 |
Caribou |
Mar 1997 |
56 |
51 |
3780 |
CO2 Geological Storage R&D Project. Several
projects were and are developing in West Canada. The more important are:
o Canadian Clean Power
Coalition (CCPC, $5 million project),
o CANMET Energy Technology Centre (CETC) R&D
Oxyfuel Combustion for CO2 Capture,
o Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in Oil Sands
Tailings Streams ($1 million project),
o CO2-Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery Project
(Alberta ECBM, $3.4
million project),
o CO2
Sequestration Capacity in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in Alberta ($0.48 million),
o Review of Acid Gas
Injection in Alberta ($0.14 million).
Fort Nelson NG plant in BC,
Large-scale CCS Project in collaboration with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Spectra Energy
Transmission and the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
UCG is a process through which coal is converted in-situ in syngas. The gas can be processed to remove its CO2 content, thereby providing a source of clean energy with minimal GHG emissions. This syngas is produced at a lower cost than by IGCC technology.
The process is known since 1868 in the Former Soviet Union. Ten
years ago started the studies to apply in commercial scale in
Advantages: Increase the economically recoverable reserves.
Low cost
operation in mines.
Low cost in
comparison with IGCC technology to obtain Syngas.
Disadvantages: The technology is being developed.
Not focalized for Power Generation.
It is a technology for CC, the technically
most known in CCS.
technique is led by the Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage
(CICCS) in UK. It is based on using a natural process in conjunction with
silicate-based rocks such as serpentine to store all the CO2 produced. The CO2
extracted from burning coal is put into a reactor with the rocks and is located
in through a chemical reaction. Once the process is fully developed, it is
estimated that the locking of CO2 will take place within minutes. The end
product is a mineral such as magnesite, which can be used as aggregates for
road-building or shaped into bricks for construction.
Advantages: It is not necessary to build pipelines and storage facilities.
Huge cost
reduction for CO2 emission reduction.
Disadvantages: The technology is being developed.
It will be necessary agreements with the
construction industry to apply the products.
CO2 Solution, a Canadian company, developed a
method based on an enzymatic catalyst to convert the carbon dioxide in
bicarbonate; then, in carbonic mineral.
The solution provided could be use to obtain pure CO2 as well as it can regenerate the capturing solution by precipitating out the bicarbonate with hydrated lime. The first method is used in combination of storage facilities and it will compete in the market of this kind of solutions. The second method, obtain hydrated lime, looks more interesting because it is not necessary the CO2 transportation and storage.
CO2 Solution is evaluating their technology and there is not cost and capacity numbers to compare this technology with others.
Advantages: could reduce the cost for PC Power Plant
developing the competence between technologies.
Support the thousands of
post-combustion plants installed around the world.
With hydrated lime could
be not necessary to build pipelines and storage plants.
Disadvantages: The technology is being developed.
The main technological effort is developed
for CO2 capture, the technically most known in CCS
Los Alamos National
Laboratory has developed a low-risk, transformational concept, called Green
Freedom, for large-scale production of carbon-neutral. The technology is a new
process for extracting CO2 from the atmosphere and making it available for fuel
production using a new form of electrochemical separation. Currently, the
principal market for the Green Freedom production concept is fuel for vehicles
and aircraft; in addition to the new electrochemical separation process, the
Green Freedom system can use existing cooling towers, such as those of power
Advantages: Reduce the cost for PC Power Plant developing the competence between
Support the thousands of
post-combustion plants installed around the world.
Disadvantages: It is a technology for CC, the technically most known in CCS.
The technology is being developed.
A team of researchers of Harvard
University developed a method to enhance removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and
place it in the Earth's oceans for storage. The new technology does not make
the oceans more acidic and may be beneficial to coral reefs. The researchers
minimize the potential for environmental problems by combining the acid removal
with silicate rock weathering mimicking the natural process. This process would
allow removal of excess CO2 from the atmosphere in a matter of decades rather
than millennia.
Advantages: It is not necessary to build pipelines and storage plants.
implementation would be
ambitious, costly and would carry some environmental risks that require further
technique needs more work is be needed to bring down the cost and minimize
other environmental effects.
CCS is
a bridging technology that should be broadly implemented as part of a portfolio
of GHG emissions reduction measures.
CCS is
technically feasible but many challenges remain that must be overcome for full
scale commercial deployment.
are several projects around the world testing, knowing the process and
measuring the risk for CO2 storage. There is significant potential capacity for
CO2 storage in western Canada
technology for CO2 capture is improving quickly, reducing the cost for PC Power
storage technology is known, but there are not experiences in long term
effects. Many countries are developing knowledge and R&D projects.
Different groups speak about from eight to twelve years for having the first
full scale commercial project. Regulation is necessary to support these large
scale / long term developments.
Other technological
alternatives are being developed which is not necessary the CO2 storage. If
these technologies reach to develop for large scale projects, it would be a
very important alternative solution for the CO2 emission problem.
[1] GHG = CO2e = CO2 + 21*CH4 + 310*N2O + ….
- CO2:
Carbon Dioxide (Fossil-fuel combustion, Land-use conversion, Cement Production)
- CH4:
Methane (Fossil fuel production and combustion, Agriculture, Waste
- NOx:
Nitrous Oxide (Fertilizer, Industrial processes, Fossil fuel combustion)
[2] Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) uses CO2 in secondary oil recovery to trap
the oil over the reservoir. Approximately 40 to 50% of the injected CO2 remain
in the ground.
Enhanced Gas
Recovery (EGR) is being study as a possible use for CO2 storage, but until now
it presents important limitations.